

Friday, September 3, 2021

My Online Presence

Like most people, I have social media. I am aware some prospective employers check social media platforms to check on the profiles of prospective employees. But I have never been too worried about my own profiles. As a rule of thumb, I tend to stay away from talking about politics or other controversial topics when online AND when in person. I acknowledge the most people have differing viewpoints and experiences which might affect the way they feel and defend their viewpoints. I have seen and felt the strenght of some individuals passion towards certain issues, and it has scared me at times. This and my need to feel accepted tend to push me into only posting positive, uplifting messages. I usually post pictures of my children and of nature. This is truly how I feel on the inside as well since the things that bring me the most joy are family and nature.

1 comment:

  1. Family and Nature are the two things that bring me the most happiness as well. I completely agree with what you say about leaving political and other controversial topics off of your social media page. I myself respect that everyone has their own opinions and strongly dislike when people find it okay or necessary to bash other people for theirs. Keep up the positive, uplifting postings! That is what I love to see!



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