

Thursday, March 11, 2021

March 11, 2021

Hello there, and welcome back! These past two weeks have been a bit rough as midterms approached but I'm back and ready to go. Today I would like to talk about my research proposal. It's taken some thinking and re-thinking but I think it's finally getting clear as to where it is going. 

My topic: Beneficial Properties of the Most Toxic Plants in Arizona

I selected this topic because I would like to know which plants in my community are toxic to me and my loved ones but also to find out what kind of benefits they might bring about. Just like people, there might be something good about them. This topic is of significant importance because some plants might be beneficial to humans regardless of their toxicity. Specifying their benefits to humanity will help preserve plants that would otherwise be discarded and or destroyed by human habitants. It is important to educate the public so they can make more informed decisions regarding the plants on their properties. By educating the public, we can stop or slow down the destruction of commonly known toxic plants in our community.

I plan on doing this research by literature review. There is a vast amount of information available from published journals that can guide the research. The information will be compiled and focused on the five most toxic plants that are currently in Arizona. State Toxic Plants Types Native or non-native Toxic to Humans, Pets, or Both and their medicinal properties, if any.

Can a plant be both toxic and beneficial?

Thru this research, I expect to find which flowers and bushes are toxic, domestic or wild, as well as if they hold any beneficial properties. I expect to find more research explaining the effects on animals but not be as much research explaining the effects on humans.

Thursday, March 4, 2021

The second Lantana- Lantana Camara


This week I studied Lantana Camara. I came across research explaining the toxic effects of animals eating Lantana Camara and how the toxicity manifests in the animal. The animals that have shown acute toxicity due to lantadenes are both ruminants and non-ruminants Ruminants are animals such as cattle and non-ruminants are animals such as rabbits. Lantadenes are toxins found in Lantana Camara. The precise names for these lantadenes are: Triterpene acids lantadene A and lantadene B. The most common symptoms of lantana toxicity in animals are: photosensitivity, inflammation in the eyes, and liver damage. If left untreated, it can cause death due to the liver and/ or organ failure and set in of secondary bacterial infection. They sure don't look as cute now.


Cooper, R. G. (2007). Accidental Poisoning from Lantana camara (Cherry Pie) Hay Fed to Ostriches (Struthio camelus). Turkish Journal of Veterinary & Animal Sciences, 31(3), 213–214.

 Kumar, R., Sharma, R., Patil, R. D., Mal, G., Kumar, A., Patial, V., Kumar, P., & Singh, B. (2018). Sub-chronic toxicopathological study of lantadenes of Lantana camara weed in Guinea pigs. BMC Veterinary Research, 14(1).


Networking has been a hard one for me, truth be told. I knew and expected to speak to strangers once I started working but did not realize h...